Cycling Powered By Design - Design League Cup 2023

We're happy to share that Singapore's first Design League Cup 2023 was a huge success! What an incredible turnout there was, and it was heartening to see everyone having a good time cycling along the scenic route at Changi Beach Park!

It was an honour to have MOS flag off the 30km race and also a privilege to collaborate with our industry partners from @sid_singapore@singaporeinstituteofarchitects@sgfashioncouncil@sficinstitute@dbcsingapore@lafuturesila, Singapore Institute of Planners, and Association of Advertising & Marketing Singapore.

Not forgetting our sponsors, we'd like to thank @mybikeshopsg@bike31, and @ewalkersg, for the lucky draw items!

We enjoyed the opportunity to connect with members of the design community through a unifying sport, and we were even more thrilled to support Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities @thk360 by raising funds for them.

Looking forward to seeing all of you again 😉